How Popular is Matplotlib?

November 4, 2022

Anecdotally the Matplotlib maintainers were told

"About 15% of arXiv papers use Matplotlib"

arXiv is the preeminent repository for scholarly preprint articles, especially in scientific fields like physics, mathematics, and chemistry. It stores millions of journal articles used across science. It's also public access, and so we can just scrape the entire thing given enough compute power.


Starting in the early 2010s, Matplotlib started including the bytes //<[[b"Matplotlib"]]> in every PNG and PDF that they produce. These bytes often persist in PDFs that contain Matplotlib plots, including the PDFs stored on arXiv. As a result, it's pretty simple to check if a PDF contains a Matplotlib image. All we have to do is scan through every PDF and look for these bytes; no parsing required.


The data is stored in a requester pays bucket at s3://arxiv (more information at ) and also on GCS hosted by Kaggle (more information at

The data is about 1TB in size. We're going to use Dask for this.

This is a good example of writing plain vanilla Python code to solve a problem, running into issues of scale, and then using Dask to easily jump over those problems.

Get all filenames

Our data is stored in a requester pays S3 bucket in the //<[[us-east-1]]> region. Each file is a tar file which contains a directory of papers.

In [1]:
import s3fs
s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(requester_pays=True)

directories ="s3://arxiv/pdf")
Out [1]:
In [2]:
Out [2]:

There are lots of these

In [3]:
Out [3]:

Process one file with plain Python

Mostly we have to muck about with tar files. This wasn't hard. The //<[[tarfile]]> library is in the standard library. It's not beautiful, but it's also not hard to use.

In [4]:
import tarfile
import io

def extract(filename: str):
    """ Extract and process one directory of arXiv data
    filename: str
    contains_matplotlib: boolean
    out = []
    with as f:
        bytes =
        with io.BytesIO() as bio:
            with tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=bio) as tf:
                for member in tf.getmembers():
                    if member.isfile() and".pdf"):
                        data = tf.extractfile(member).read()
                            b"matplotlib" in data.lower()
            return out
In [5]:


# See an example of its use

//<[[CPU times: user 3.99 s, sys: 1.79 s, total: 5.78 s]]>

//<[[Wall time: 51.5 s]]>

Out [5]:
[('0011/cs0011019.pdf', False),
 ('0011/gr-qc0011017.pdf', False),
 ('0011/hep-ex0011095.pdf', False),
 ('0011/cond-mat0011373.pdf', False),
 ('0011/hep-ph0011035.pdf', False),
 ('0011/gr-qc0011082.pdf', False),
 ('0011/cond-mat0011202.pdf', False),
 ('0011/hep-ph0011209.pdf', False),
 ('0011/cond-mat0011038.pdf', False),
 ('0011/gr-qc0011014.pdf', False),
 ('0011/hep-ph0011118.pdf', False),
 ('0011/gr-qc0011095.pdf', False),
 ('0011/astro-ph0011090.pdf', False),
 ('0011/hep-ph0011162.pdf', False),
 ('0011/cs0011010.pdf', False),
 ('0011/cond-mat0011086.pdf', False),
 ('0011/hep-lat0011037.pdf', False),
 ('0011/astro-ph0011369.pdf', False),
 ('0011/astro-ph0011187.pdf', False),
 ('0011/astro-ph0011074.pdf', False)]

We see that none of these files included a Matplotlib image. That's not surprising. The filenames start with "0011" which means year 2000, month 11.  Matplotlib wasn't even around back then 🙂

Scale function to full dataset

Great, we can get a record of each file and whether or not it used Matplotlib. Each of these takes about a minute to run on my local machine. Processing all 5000 files would take 5000 minutes, or around 100 hours.

We can accelerate this in two ways:

  1. Process closer to the data by spinning up resources in the same region on the cloud (this also reduces data transfer costs)
  2. Use hundreds of workers in parallel

We can do this easily with Dask (parallel computing) and Coiled (set up Dask infrastructure)

Create Dask Cluster

We start a Dask cluster on AWS in the same region where the data is stored.

We mimic the local software environment on the cluster with //<[[package_sync=True]]>.

In [6]:

import coiled

cluster = coiled.Cluster(
    backend_options={"region": "us-east-1"},  # faster and cheaper

//<[[CPU times: user 9.72 s, sys: 1.08 s, total: 10.8 s]]>

//<[[Wall time: 1min 25s]]>

In [7]:
from dask.distributed import Client, wait
client = Client(cluster)

Map function across every directory

Let's scale up this work across all of the directories in our dataset.

Hopefully it will also be faster because the Dask workers are in the same region as the dataset itself.

In [8]:

futures =, directories)

# We had one error in one file.  Let's just ignore and move on.
good = [future for future in futures if future.status == "finished"]

lists = client.gather(good)

//<[[CPU times: user 11.7 s, sys: 1.77 s, total: 13.5 s]]>

//<[[Wall time: 5min 58s]]>

Now that we're done with the large data problem we can turn off Dask and proceed with pure Pandas. There's no reason to deal with scalable tools if we don't have to.

In [9]:
# Scale down now that we're done

Enrich Data

Let's enhance our data a bit. The filenames of each file include the year and month when they were published. After extracting this data we'll be able to see a timeseries of Matplotlib adoption.

In [10]:
# Convert to Pandas

import pandas as pd

dfs = [
    pd.DataFrame(list, columns=["filename", "has_matplotlib"]) 
    for list in lists

df = pd.concat(dfs)

Out [10]:
filename	                has_matplotlib
0	0001/astro-ph0001477.pdf	False
1	0001/hep-th0001095.pdf	        False
2	0001/astro-ph0001322.pdf	False
3	0001/cond-mat0001159.pdf	False
4	0001/astro-ph0001132.pdf	False
...	...	...
630	9912/math9912098.pdf	        False
631	9912/math9912251.pdf	        False
632	9912/solv-int9912013.pdf	False
633	9912/hep-th9912254.pdf	        False
634	9912/hep-th9912272.pdf	        False

2122438 rows x 2 columns

In [11]:
def date(filename):
    year = int(filename.split("/")[0][:2])
    month = int(filename.split("/")[0][2:4])
    if year > 80:
        year = 1900 + year
        year = 2000 + year
    return pd.Timestamp(year=year, month=month, day=1)

Out [11]:
Timestamp('2000-05-01 00:00:00')

Yup. That seems to work. Let's map this function over our dataset.

In [12]:
def date(filename):
    year = int(filename.split("/")[0][:2])
    month = int(filename.split("/")[0][2:4])
    if year > 80:
        year = 1900 + year
        year = 2000 + year
    return pd.Timestamp(year=year, month=month, day=1)

Out [12]:
filename	has_matplotlib	date
0	0001/astro-ph0001477.pdf	False	2000-01-01
1	0001/hep-th0001095.pdf	False	2000-01-01
2	0001/astro-ph0001322.pdf	False	2000-01-01
3	0001/cond-mat0001159.pdf	False	2000-01-01
4	0001/astro-ph0001132.pdf	False	2000-01-01


Now we can just fool around with Pandas and Matplotlib.

In [13]:
    title="Matplotlib Usage in arXiv", 
    ylabel="Fraction of papers"

I did the plot above. Then Thomas Caswell (Matplotlib maintainer) came by and, in true form, made something much better 🙂

In [14]:
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter

import pandas as pd

# read data
by_month = pd.read_parquet("results.parquet").groupby("date").has_matplotlib.mean()

# get figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout="constrained")
# plot the data
ax.plot(by_month, "o", color="k", ms=3)

# over-ride the default auto limits
ax.set_xlim(, 1, 1))

# turn on a horizontal grid

# remove the top and right spines

# format y-ticks a percent

# add title and labels
ax.set_ylabel("% of all papers")
ax.set_title("Matplotlib usage on arXiv")
Out [14]:
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Matplotlib usage on arXiv')

Yup. Matplotlib is used pretty commonly on arXiv. Go team.

Save results

This data was slightly painful to procure. Let's save the results locally for future analysis. That way other researchers can further analyze the results without having to muck about with parallelism or cloud stuff.

!du -hs arxiv-matplotlib.csv
df.to_parquet("arxiv-matplotlib.parquet", compression="snappy")
!du -hs arxiv-matplotlib.parquet

These are available at the github repository if you want to play around with them.


Matplotlib + arXiv

It's incredible to see the steady growth of Matplotlib across arXiv. It's worth noting that this is all papers, even from fields like theoretical mathematics that are unlikely to include computer generated plots. Is this Matplotlib growing in popularity? Is it Python generally?

For future work, we should break this down by subfield. The filenames actually contained the name of the field for a while, like "hep-ex" for "high energy physics, experimental", but it looks like arXiv stopped doing this at some point. My guess is that there is a list mapping filenames to fields somewhere though. The filenames are all in the Pandas dataframe / parquet dataset, so doing this analysis shouldn't require any scalable computing.

Dask + Coiled

Dask and Coiled were built to make it easy to answer large questions.

We started this notebook with some generic Python code. When we wanted to scale up we invoked Dask+Coiled, did some work, and then tore things down, all in about ten minutes. The problem of scale or "big data" didn't get in the way of us analyzing data and making a delightful discovery.

This is exactly why these projects exist.

Future Work

There are many ways that this work could be extended (by you?)

  • We've made it easy to test all of the PDFs in arXiv. What else could we test for? Mentions of different libraries? The presence of some kind of file? Other plotting libraries?
  • Look at other pre-print servers like bioRxiv

This is a fun dataset representing the forefront of human science. It's now easy for us to inspect in its raw form. Fun!

With GitHub, Google or email.

Use your AWS or GCP account.

Start scaling.

$ pip install coiled
$ coiled setup
$ ipython
>>> import coiled
>>> cluster = coiled.Cluster(n_workers=500)